There are three English laws that you will need to be familiar with and operate within when recruiting students on behalf of Middlesex university.
The Bribery Act 2010 applies to all Higher Education institutions including the University of Middlesex.
The Act makes it a criminal offence:
- To give, promise or offer a bribe.
- To request, agree to receive or accept a bribe.
- To bribe a foreign public official whether in the UK or overseas.
The University will be committing a corporate offence if it fails to prevent bribery by its staff or other persons working on its behalf. Penalties for offences include imprisonment of up to 10 years and/or fines for individuals and, for a corporate offence, a fine and the possibility of prosecution or civil recovery action against the individuals concerned.
If you are uncertain as to whether any action would constitute bribery you should consult the international recruitment team.
This law applies to the personal data we have about living individuals. The University must comply with the Act in how it handles information.
In practice, this means maintaining student data securely and processing and disclosing data within its Data Protection notification.
Personal data include addresses, telephone numbers, and previous institutions, as well as grades and sensitive personal data include ethnic origin, religious beliefs, physical or mental health and sexual life.
This law gives everyone a general right to access information held by the University. Middlesex is a public institution and some of our funds come from the UK Government, so the act allows any member of the public to ask us anything about any aspect of our business.
The person who requests the information does not have to say how they will use the information and the University must respond within 20 working days. We are allowed to withhold certain information, particularly if the information is commercially sensitive or includes personal data.